Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Adoption Tails: Queen Molly

No one can forget the day Molly looked up from her kennel to see Gene and Leslie for the first time. Smitten with her "beautiful and trusting eyes," the couple had already fallen in love with this special girl. And, after discussing their needs in a pet, daily routines and home environment with members of the Boston Adoption Center staff, Gene and Leslie realized that Molly was the perfect pooch for them. Molly's new companions adopted her knowing that she had all the great Pit Bull qualities that typify these special dogs: friendliness, a strong determination and a BIG heart.

Today, Gene and Leslie's running joke is that Molly runs the house, but they know all she really wants is non-stop belly rubs. Molly is a neighborhood favorite who loves to go on her after-dinner walk so she can meet new friends! She's even shaping Gene and Leslie's lives in new and unexpected ways like being the house's new doggy alarm-clock. Molly likes to choose when it's time to wake up by pulling the covers off the bed, wagging her tail the whole time. Still, as much as this active gal can't wait to go out on her walks, she's equally happy to curl up in the easy chair with Gene and take a nap.

Flashing her heart-melting smile and those big eyes that radiate unconditional love, Molly has her parents wrapped around her little paw... and the whole neighborhood knows it. A sign outside announces, "Welcome to Molly, Gene and Leslie's Home." Once one of the many Pit Bull mixes who desperately needed a loving forever-home, Molly is now the queen of Leslie and Gene's hearts.

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